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Companion Blog for the “Interview Questions You Can Ask!” Resource

July 24, 2024

Examples for Various Departments on Your Agenda In an interview there is an often-overlooked opportunity when an interviewer asks, “What questions do you have for me?”, and we don’t want you to be caught off-guard. It can come across lazy or disinterested if you don’t have anything prepared. The interviewer may think you didn’t do […]

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The Prescription IRA Law: Should You Care about it as an MSL?  

June 26, 2024

If you’re online, the odds of you coming across something regarding drug pricing are very high. The landscape of how drugs are priced and covered continues to change year to year. I can guarantee this will continue to be a hot topic, especially within Medical Affairs. At the most recent MAPS 2024 conference in Puerto […]

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MAPS 2024 Recap- Metrics

May 15, 2024

This year’s MAPS meeting in Puerto Rico was a great event and we wanted to share some of the highlights with our network. AI was a continuing hot topic across various sessions, along with the concepts of omnichannel communication, the impact of the IRA (Inflation Reduction Act), and the engagement of Digital Opinion Leaders (DOLs). […]

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April 17, 2024

How is social media helping or hurting within medical affairs? In the final part of our social media series, we’re going to do a deep dive on X, formerly Twitter, and the pros and cons of using this platform as well. X: Throughout the years we’ve seen several social media platforms rise and fall in […]

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March 26, 2024

How is social media helping, or hurting within medical affairs? In part 2 of our social media series, we are focusing on TikTok. We will dive into the pros and cons of this platform, and what TikTok’s place is within medical affairs. In our last blog, we focused on ChatGPT, you can find that here. […]

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February 21, 2024

How is social media helping, or hurting within medical affairs? With ChatGPT, X (formerly Twitter), TikTok, and more at our fingertips- how do we utilize social media best in medical affairs, and what are the concerns with using these tools? Throughout the past few years, this topic has been discussed. In several conferences we’ve attended, […]

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The New Year is Here – Now What?

January 17, 2024

With more competition comes a need for a smarter strategy to achieve where you want to go in your career! It’s one thing to write down your goals for the new year, but how can you take the appropriate steps to make sure you hit those. Below are 8 suggestions to help you take actionable steps to boost your career to that next level.

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December 19, 2023

During the November Resume Workshop we hosted for the HBA DFW Chapter there were a few questions that came up that we unfortunately didn’t have a ton of time to elaborate on. I wanted to round out our 2023 blog series by digging in a bit more on those.  HOW NOT TO AGE YOURSELF ON […]

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General Resume Dos and Don’ts

November 21, 2023

PharmaFinders recently partnered with the Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association (HBA) Dallas Fort Worth Chapter to discuss the best strategies for optimizing your resume and LinkedIn profile. Overall, the event was insightful and engaging! We love being able to network and help local DFW professionals polish their professional profiles. We didn’t get to cover all the questions […]

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October 25, 2023

This year, we took off to sunny Florida for the 11th Annual MSL Society Conference. We loved getting a real-time update on what’s going on in industry while there. We are excited to share the top 3 takeaways from the conference this year! The struggles of transitioning into industry: There’s always a large percentage of […]

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