MAPS 2024 Recap- Metrics

This year’s MAPS meeting in Puerto Rico was a great event and we wanted to share some of the highlights with our network.

AI was a continuing hot topic across various sessions, along with the concepts of omnichannel communication, the impact of the IRA (Inflation Reduction Act), and the engagement of Digital Opinion Leaders (DOLs). Across the spectrum, the ever-elusive solve for the “metrics” question continued to be a common theme.  

While each of these topics are extremely interesting and top of mind, in this blog we’re digging in more specifically on the metrics piece, hoping to offer some key takeaways. 

When discussion of metrics ensues, the point of quantitative vs. qualitative is sure to arise.

Some examples of different types of metrics that were shared in the session: “How Do I Deliver on My Medical Plan? Operational Elements That Promote Successful Execution”:

QUALITATIVE- Associated with changes in perceptions; cannot be numerically quantified.

• Internal and external customer feedback (eg, market research, surveys)

• Insights captured from investigators, advisors, patients, and other external stakeholders that may inform medical strategy, clinical development, or other internal functions

• Changes in formulary decisions or medical policy, or guidelines

• External recognition – News/social media coverage – What credible KOLs and HCPs in the field are saying at congresses, in publications, and on social media

• Sentiment analysis for Altmetrics

• Benchmarking to other companies

QUANTITATIVE- Numerically measurable metrics.

• Number and type of MSL activities and engagements

• Number of accepted publications

• Number of downloads of publication enhancements

• Number of symposia or educational opportunities supported

• Number of conversations/interactions with KOLs

• Number of formulary changes

• Number of medical information requests

• Patient or investigator recruitment

• Number of investigator-initiated trials

• Altmetrics (to measure publication impact)

Another important point they shared was to make sure your metrics are aligned with the overall strategic plan and objectives.

There was also discussion around outcomes vs. goal-based metrics.

Outcomes-based metrics tend to focus on the bigger overarching medical objectives and measure if that’s been achieved. These metrics tend to be broader and are more difficult to build specific metrics around.

Goal-based metrics are viewed as more of the stepping stones to reach the ultimate objective. These metrics tend to be easier to build around as they are related to the activities/initiatives that need to take place.

Another point of discussion was around informing any medical plan updates with meaningful metrics.  

“Meaningful metrics assess the medical plan and support the ongoing evolution of the plan as a living and breathing document. In this way, metrics become an element in a cyclical process of planning, implementation, and evaluation that accounts for new data and changing treatment paradigms.”

Outside of this session, there was conversation around the challenges involving Metrics and AI.

One of the most challenging pieces with incorporating AI is the potential compliance issues and ensuring compliant technology (are AI vendors compliant with the company policies?).

Another point to consider is the rapid pace of change with AI and being able to keep up and adapt to those changes. Of course, privacy concerns with patients and information being shared is always something top of mind with AI implementation as well.

Another metrics theme was around the rise in DOLs and how do we define those metrics?

Although there might be overlap, it can be difficult because not all DOLs qualify as KOLs. So trying to figure out how to best differentiate and evaluate that impact? 

What defines successful metrics will vary from organization to organization. Still, the biggest takeaway was figuring out what is important to your team and keeping the lines of communication open amongst stakeholders. Cross-functional communication and empowering your team with the knowledge and resources to achieve their objectives seem to be key.

Hopefully, some of these components can be helpful for your next internal metrics conversation!



MAPS 2024 Session: “How Do I Deliver on My Medical Plan? Operational Elements That Promote Successful Execution” led by Leah Williams, Jaime Blais, Joe Kohles

MAPS white paper. Mastering the Art of Leveraging Meaningful Metrics. The Value and Impact of Medical Affairs. Harmon B et al. Accessible at White-Paper-The-Art-Of-Metrics-FINAL.pdf (
